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Gentoo设置内核, 开启USB及蓝牙支持


记录一下, 在gentoo中编译内核支持usb及蓝牙, 方便使用蓝牙鼠标的过程.

  1. 完善内核对udev的支持, 下面带*号的都保证选中状态, 并保证/etc/portage/make.conf的USE中有udevflag

     General setup  --->
         [*] Configure standard kernel features (expert users)  --->
             [ ] Enable deprecated sysfs features to support old userspace tools
             [*] Enable signalfd() system call
     Enable the block layer  --->
         [*] Block layer SG support v4
     Networking support  --->
         Networking options  --->
             <*> Unix domain sockets
     Device Drivers  --->
         Generic Driver Options  --->
             ()  path to uevent helper
             [*] Maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev
         < > ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support (DEPRECATED)  --->
     File systems  --->
         [*] Inotify support for userspace
         Pseudo filesystems --->
             [*] /proc file system support
             [*] sysfs file system support
  2. 完善内核对USB的支持, 下面带*号的都会员证选中状态. 并保证/etc/portage/make.conf的USE中有usbflag

     Device Drivers --->
         [*] USB support  --->
             <*>   Support for Host-side USB
             Select a USB HCI driver, e.g.:
             <*> xHCI HCD (USB 3.0) support (xhci-hcd)
             <*> EHCI HCD (USB 2.0) support (ehci-hcd)
             <*> OHCI HCD support (ohci-hcd)
             <*> UHCI HCD (most Intel and VIA) support (uhci-hcd)
  3. 更新一下已安装的软件的包, 使得新的USE标记生效

     emerge --ask --changed-use --deep @world
  4. 保证sys-apps/usbutils已经安装

     emerge --ask usbutils
  5. 完善内核对bluetooth的支持, 并保证/etc/portage/make.conf的USE中有bluetoothflag

     [*] Networking support --->
           <*>   Bluetooth subsystem support --->
                   <*>   RFCOMM protocol support
                   [ ]     RFCOMM TTY support
                   < >   BNEP protocol support
                   [ ]     Multicast filter support
                   [ ]     Protocol filter support
                   <*>   HIDP protocol support
                         Bluetooth device drivers --->
                           <*> HCI USB driver
                           <*> HCI UART driver
           <*>   RF switch subsystem support --->
  6. 安装net-wireless/bluez

     emerge --ask --noreplace net-wireless/bluez
  7. 保证用户在plugdev用户组中

     gpasswd -a $USER plugdev
  8. 设置蓝牙服务开机启动

     rc-update add bluetooth default
  9. 重启系统后, 使用hciconfig -a可以查看到蓝牙的信息. 如果蓝牙没有启动的话, 使用如下命令进行启动激活.

     hciconfig hci0 up

    hci0是使用hciconfig -a得到的interface的名字, 就像ifconfig中的eth0一样

  10. 如果希望不用每次都使用hciconfig -a命令进行激活的话, 可以在/etc/udev/rules.d/90-bluetooth.rules中添加如下内容

    # Enable the Bluetooth controller
    # BlueZ 5
    ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="hci0", TEST=="/usr/bin/hciconfig", RUN+="/usr/bin/hciconfig hci0 up"

然后就可以使用bluetoothctl进入蓝牙的命令行界面, 进行配对连接等操作了. http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Bluetooth#BlueZ_5

声明: 本文采用 BY-NC-SA 授权。转载请注明转自: Gentoo设置内核, 开启USB及蓝牙支持 - 自说Me话